Hi everyone!
Today I will show you not just one individual flower but also how to make a delicate flower spray from a few of the pretty open flowers. A flower arrangement like this can be used both for a scrapbook decoration and also for
a stunning flower accessory.
To make this flower spray you will need:
- A strip of white foamiran 4.5 cm x 31.5 cm,
- a strip of Dark green foamiran 1.5 cm x 18 cm,
- a cocktail stick,
- a glue gun with a glue stick,
- an iron,
- pink (or some other colour) oil pastel,
- approximately 20 double-headed Vintage Rose 1 mm flower stamens,
- a piece of a kitchen sponge,
- scissors,
- florist wire #30,
- a piece of green florist tape
- flower tool,
- a ruler
- tweezers.
From the white foamiran strip cut seven equal squares, 4.5 cm x 4.5 cm approximately.
Draw a five petal flower shape into each square.
Cut each shape out.
Colour the edges of the petals on both sides with a little extra emphasis on the tips of the petals.
Heat the petals using the iron.
Push the centre of the flower with the flower making tool from the non-heated side.
Perforate each flower in the centre using a cocktail stick as indicated.
Using tweezers, stick a bunch of stamens (at about 1 cm in length) as shown in my photograph. Three double headed stamens are pretty much enough for each flower.
Prepare seven pieces of florist wire 10 – 12 cm in length.
Make a little loop at the end of each piece of wire.
Place the wire in the flower as indicated in the photos.
Adhere with a drop of hot glue and apply the little bunch of stamens in the centre of the flowers.
Clutch the petals as shown.
Attach the flowers in a small bunch with a piece of florist tape.
From the strip of green foamiran - shape two leaves.
Using the iron heat both of them.
Fold it along its length and bend it slightly as I have indicated.
Attach the shaped leaves at the bottom of the spray with glue and a piece of florist tape.
Now the flower spray is completely finished.
Thank you for stopping by!
Happy crafting!
Elena xxx
The products used can be ordered in the Noor! Design U.K. webshop: