Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Wild rose tutorial

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to my new tutorial for the Crafteezee blog.
Today I’d like to show you how to make what is a very simple but elegant flower; a wild rose.
These roses bloom in spring and early summer and when they have finished blooming they begin forming the wonderful multi-use rose hips.
Part of the charm that wild roses carry is that their blooming is so fast and transient but for this short period of time they spread incredible charm and tenderness.

To make this flower you will need:

* a strip of white Zephyr silk foamiran,
* a 4 x 4cm square of green foamiran (it could be forest green, grass green or even olive green),
* the largest petal of a Whimsy Stamps Rose Die Set,
* a cocktail stick,
* a glue gun with glue stick,
* pink (or some other colour, magenta, purple etc.) and yellow oil pastels,
* approximately 20 double headed ivory heart shaped stamens,
* a wet wipe or a piece of kitchen sponge,

* a mini foil ball, approx. 1 cm.

From a 23cm x 5 cm strip of white Zephyr silk foamiran, cut out 5 
rose petals.

Using the cocktail stick etch some lines from the bottom toward the edge of each petal as I’ve shown here.

With a wet wipe apply oil pastel and colour the upper part of the petals.

Shape the rose petals by gently stretching the centre part of the petal between your thumbs and fingers as indicated in the photos.

Using extra care stretch the edge of the petal in the opposite direction as I have shown in the picture below.

Roll the edge of each petal backwards.


When you have finished your petal should look something like this. You don’t need to use an iron.

Now it’s time to make the centrepiece of our wild rose. Make a mini ball out of a piece of kitchen foil approx. 1 cm in size.

Cover the mini ball with a square of white Zephyr silk foamiran approx. 4 x 4 cm.

Glue it as I've shown here to create a mini bud.

Colour the stamens and the centre in yellow.

Glue the stamens around the bud.

It’s now time to attach the petals. Using the photos below for reference and using a small amount of glue, paste all the petals around the bud.

At the end, your wild rose should look like this: 

To complete your wild rose I would recommend that the reverse side of the flower is endorsed with a green sepal, that is heated and twisted as shown. This would be made from a 4 x 4cm square of green foamiran and cut into shape and glued in place as shown.

Your wild flower is completely finished. You can use it to decorate a scrapbook project or to make some pretty hair clip, headband or other hair accessory.

Thank you for stopping by!
Wishing you a wonderful week!
Elena xxx

The products used can be ordered in the Noor! Design U.K. webshop:

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Witch card

Hello Everyone!

My DT project for Crafteezee today it's quite unusual.
I came across two old pieces of paper which were all the inspiration I needed to make this card. So I challenged myself and I did it!
I like the mysterious-fearful theme of witchcraft, and I hope I have caught the spirit of the old incomprehensible mysteries unknown to ordinary folks.

This card was made with The Witching Hour, Beyond the grave and Patchwork of Life, Family quilt paper sheets. Although they seem incompatible, the combination of those two was perfect for this project.

I used two pieces of lace, Lace Imogen and Lace Rebecca, which I have placed in between the layers of the card. This proved to be a delightful addition to the layers of the card. 

Continuing to what I feel is the most dramatic part of the card, the beautiful and stunning Red Rose and the Black Lotos Flower. The rose was made out of red foamiran and the petals were coloured with oil pastels. 

As you can see, the petals of the flower have begun to fade and fall (completely in line with the theme of the card :-). One of them took its place on the central Antique Bronze Filagree Oval Frame. 

It's pathetic, isn't it?

I hope that you find lots of inspiration from my bewitching card :-)!

Have a lovely new week!
Elena xxx

The products used can be ordered in the www.crafteezee.co.uk webshop:

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Garden Pansies

Hi Everyone!

Summer comes sprinkling a rich palette of colours everywhere. I wanted to catch some of them in my flower creations, so look what I've done :-)!
There are my reproduced garden pansies in a variety of spring shades.

The beautiful vivid flowers were made out of different colour foamiran strips, painted with oil pastels and each petal was cut by hand.

The template of the petal was taken from the real flowers in my garden. 
I had great fun colouring my foamiran pansies. I used lots of tinted layers to reach this vibrant effect. Look at the scrap paper sheet I've used as a pad. It's all covered with oil paint :-)

There are a few close photo shoots:

Lastly, I've decided to join them in a colourful headband, so there it is this vivid headpiece:


I'm very happy with the result that I have achieved and I hope you find plenty of inspiration from my finished flowers!:-)

Hava a wonderful week!
Elena xxx

The products used can be ordered in the www.crafteezee.co.uk webshop:

Blue Extravaganza

 Hello dear friends! I am really into creating fabric flowers for card making and last few months my work is dedicated to this activity. The...